Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yucky Update

Well... my life has turned a weird turn that was TOTALLY unexpected. For those of you who haven't heard Kyle was involved in shooting Sunday night in which he had to kill a suspect who had already stabbed 2 people & was coming after him with the knife. The two who were cut with the knife are going to be okay physically but one could only imagine the pain these three are going to be in mentally for a long time to come. It has made it pretty hard for Kyle & I to lead a normal life right now. We either have people calling us or stopping by the house constantly. Which is great knowing we have so many people who care for us & support what he had to do but I know for me... I would like to have some time with my husband. He, on the other hand, doesn't want to stay at home. I can't say that I blame him tho... He doesn't want to sit at home b/c it just keeps running through his mind over & over. I wish I could help him but I know that the only thing I can do right now is just be there when he's ready to talk and let him come & go as he needs too even tho I really want him at home with me. Anyway, I guess what I need to get at is that we are in desperate need of your thoughts & prayers right now. We both know that everything is going to be okay but it's just going to take us a little bit to get there.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Scared once again...

Halloween is just not a good time of the year for Ethan. I have quickly learned that he is not too fond of it!! lol Last night we took him to the Halloween thing in Benton and not 5 minutes into being there a little boy came past us in a Hulk costume with the green mask on & it scared Ethan & he didn't want anything else to do with walking around by himself. We had to carry him around the whole time!!!!!! He did tell everyone Thank You, which was soooooooo adorable, but he definitely wasn't going to walk by himself. lol Hopefully tonight when we are around family he will do better... :) Hope y'all have a good & safe night tonight!!!!!!!! Happy Halloween!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Scared of Spongebob!!!

Well, I bought this totally cute Spongebob costume off Ebay for Ethan's Halloween costume because he LOVES Spongebob. It's like the only cartoon he will watch. So... I finally get the costume earlier this week & take it home to Ethan & show it to him & he just grins real big. Well then... I try to get him to put it on... HE IS SCARED OF IT & WILL NOT TOUCH IT!! He would literally run from me & not have anything to do with it. I could not believe he was afraid of it!! I had like 3 days until Halloween to figure something out & had no idea what I wanted to do b/c I was looking forward to the Spongebob b/c it is so adorable!!!! lol Anyway... luckily mom works in LR & went to the Halloween store up there & found a Dracula that is like regular clothes except it has a cape on it. I tried it on him last night & it barely fit but it's just going to have to do. lol He wasn't too sure about the cape & vest but the tag was bothering him so hopefully after I have a shirt on underneath it he will be okay. lol HOPEFULLY!!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Weird Morning...

Alrighty... This morning I got up & was getting ready for work... Ethan woke up around 7:10 & done his usual... went straight to the refrigerator looking for something to eat. He wanted a banana... We didn't have one so what does he do... start wining & throws his milk across the room! What a way to start the day!!! So, I let him lay on the floor for a minute while I get his clothes together & then get him changed. He, of course, is still wining but I have to finish getting myself ready so I just let him do whatever & I go into the bathroom. He follows me in there & starts pointing up towards the counter tops & says something but I couldn't understand what he was saying. He usually likes to put deodorant on so I asked if he wanted that & he said "no" & started crying... So then I tried giving him everything else & nothing worked. He just cried & cried & cried... At this point it I had no idea what he wanted & it was time to leave for work. I tried giving him his lovely passie & he threw it down & continued to throw his fit so I thought "forget it" and picked him up & took him to the car. Of course... still crying... I called Kyle like 2 or 3 times... no answer!!! UGH! I drove by the police station & noticed he was there so I stopped & went to the door & told him to come help me... I couldn't get Ethan to stop crying. I mean, it wasn't just a normal cry... he was pissed about something!!! lol It was awful. Anyway, he stopped crying for like 1 minute so we put him back in the car & Kyle was going to follow me to daycare... oh no!!! That is not what Ethan wanted!! He started kicking & screaming again. I told Kyle, let's just get to daycare & we'll try again there. Once we got there he acted like he didn't want out of the car... That was weird! Kyle got him out & we walked in the door & they were like "what is wrong with him!!" We still had no idea! He cried for a little while longer & they finally got him to stop by taking him outside. I was finally able to leave (although by this time I was late to work). Once I got to work Melissa, from daycare, sent me a text message & said they figured out what was wrong... LISTEN TO THIS... apparently at daycare they have started to let the kids wash their hands instead of use wipes. They had been trying to think why he would be crying in the bathroom like he was & thought maybe he wanted to wash his hands so they asked him, "Ethan do you want to wash your hands?" His eyes lit up & he took off running to the sink!!! Can you believe that!! He threw this HUGE fit & all he wanted to do was wash his hands! GEEZ!!! I couldn't believe it! lol Anyway, after I found out that was all it was I felt much better & now I'll know what he wants when he starts that up next time. lol What a morning!!!!!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New New New

Well... This is going to be very new for me & I don't know how often I will get to blog but will try my best to do it as often as possible... Right now it is about time for me to go home from work so I will actually get started on all this tomorrow... HOPEFULLY! You never know with my life how things will go.