Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Much needed update!!

Wow it has been almost a month since I updated this thing!!!!! I don't even know where to start!!! Ethan is officially 2 now... can't believe it. Time is going by WAY too fast!!! Christmas went great. Ethan got a ton of stuff & still thinks that everything he got came from "Claus". It's not "Santa Claus"... just Claus... lol We had Christmas at our house for the first time with Kyle's family. I guess since we have a new house it's time to start having stuff there. lol It went okay tho... nothing was destroyed. :) We just got us a new puppy. Our last dog got ran over right after Thanksgiving. We got a West Highland Terrier and we named her Sadie. She is soooooooo adorable!!

That... obviously... is a picture of her... She is so good with Ethan already. He just wants to hold her or carry her around all the time. We have to really watch him with her. The month or December and now January has been kind of a sick month for us all. Ethan has allergies real bad & medicine just isn't working for him. I have taken him to the doctor so many times that now they're telling us that if these latest medicines don't work for him they're going to send us to a specialist... yuck... but I'm just ready for them to find something to help him. All he does is cough or blow snot all the time. lol I feel so bad for him. His coughing even gets so bad that he throws up b/c he gets so choked up. It is awful! Well, now I have the crud. I had to take off work yesterday b/c my throat was so swollen I cold barely breathe... today I'm at work but still feel pretty crappy... I'm hoping it goes away soon!!! It sucks!! I hope everyone had a happy new year!! Mine was pretty good. Kyle & I went to our friend's house & had a little party... It was fun. My birthday is coming up... Normally it wouldn't be a big deal but I'm hoping that Kyle & I can get away for the weekend. It's been a while since we have been able to go anywhere by our self so I'm hoping we get to take a trip somewhere... I don't care where... just outside of Saline, Pulaski & Hot Spring counties. lol Anyway... I don't know if this thing makes sense b/c it's been so long but I hope everyone is doing well & I will try to update more often... :)